Kamis 27 Oct 2016 00:10 WIB

Minister confirms Tangerang Police attacker as Islamic State sympathizer

Rep: RR Laeny Sulistyawati/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
National Police spokesman Inspector General Boy Rafli Amar (right) showed evidences in police post Cikokol attack, Firday (10/21).
Foto: Republika/Mabruroh
National Police spokesman Inspector General Boy Rafli Amar (right) showed evidences in police post Cikokol attack, Firday (10/21).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu confirmed that attacker who stabbed three police officers in Tangerang, Banten, was sympathizer of Islamic State (ISIS) network. "I have monitored, he was ISIS sympathizer," Ryamizard said in Bogor, West Java, on Wednesday (10/26)


He said the suspect was a new ISIS sympathizers. Previously, police said the suspect (SA ) experienced doctrinal. "There was a process of brainwash, doctrinal. His age was 22 (years old), and prone to be affected," said National Police spokesman Inspector General Boy Rafli Amar in Police Headquarters in Jakarta, Friday (10/21).

Also read: Tangerang police attacker often chats with IS member

Suspect SA on Thursday (20/10) morning attacked three policemen. Tangerang Police chief Commissioner Efendi badly injured and two other officers wounded. "Suspect stabbed Commissioner Efendi at the back, traumatized his heart," Jakarta Police Spokesman Commissioner Awi Setiyono said.

Also read: A policeman brother patches IS stiker, stabs Tangerang police officers

Meanwhile, First Inspector (Iptu) Bambang Haryadi was stabbed in the abdomen. While traffic police Chief. Brig Sukardi suffered wound in his back and right arm.

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