Kamis 27 Oct 2016 19:22 WIB

Floods hit Garut, no casualties

Rep: RR Laeny Sulistyawati, Rizky Suryarandika, M Fauzi RIdwan/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Citarum river has the potential to cause flash flood. It might cause disaster as worse as happened in Garut.
Foto: Republika/Agung Supriyanto
Citarum river has the potential to cause flash flood. It might cause disaster as worse as happened in Garut.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, GARUT -- The Garut Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) has confirmed the occurrence of floods and flow of mud at the Ciseupa, Cibatu Subdistrict, and Ciharemas, Singajaya Subdistrict on Wednesday (10/26) afternoon.

Garut BPBD Chief Executive Dadi Djakaria said the flood caused by heavy rain. At least two houses were severely damaged with a total of five people were affected. "However no casualties, we estimated total losses of Rp 75 million," Dadi said on Thursday (10/27).

Until now, officials were still handling victims. Cleaning of mud material has also been done. Garut BPBD also claimed has given logistical aid.

Meanwhile, Bandung Regent Dadang M Naser said Citarum river has the potential to cause flash flood. "The disaster potency equals to Cimanuk in Garut," he said on Thursday (10/27).

Dadang said the handling of Citarum river should be done collectively. He hoped central and provincial government would restore Citarum river upstream and rehabilitate springs to supply clean water to the Bandung city and Cimahi. "Citarum riverbanks also need to be rehabilitated and clean from waste and illegal buildings,"  he said.

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