Sabtu 29 Oct 2016 00:00 WIB

'There will be another Ahok without law enforcement in religious blasphemy case'

Rep: RR Laeny Sulistyawati/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
On Friday (10/28), Muslims in several province hold demonstration against religious blasphemy by Ahok. (Illustration)
Foto: Republika/Edi Yusuf
On Friday (10/28), Muslims in several province hold demonstration against religious blasphemy by Ahok. (Illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDAR LAMPUNG -- On Friday (10/28), Muslims in several provinces hold demonstration against Basuki Tjahaja Purnama's (Ahok) religious blasphemy.

Hundreds of protesters from 25 Islamic organizations joined Lampung Islamic Movement took to the street. They urged the police to process Basuki Tjahaja Purnama's (Ahok) religious blasphemy case.

Protesters rallied in the street in front of the Taqwa Mosque, Jl Kotaraja, Bandar Lampung. ''We urged police to investigate Ahok who did religious blasphemy of Alquran particulary surah Al Maidah verse 51,'' he said.

In the Bangka Belitung Province, thousands of protesters from Islamic Organizations also have held demonstration at the local Police Headquarters and Provincial Parliament office for the same purpose.

They ensured the protest were not correlated with politics. 'We asked the police and Parliament to convey our aspirations to the National Police chief and the President to immediately process and arrest Ahok for insulting Islam," Bangka Belitung branch of Indonesia Hizbut Tahrir (HTI) Chairman Sofiyan Rudianto said.

According to Sofiyan, without legal firm sanction, there would be another Ahoks doing religious defamation. "This will disrupt religious harmony in Indonesia and security will be unstable," he said while asking the police to be neutral and professional in enforcing the law.

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In front of Presidential Palace, DI Yogyakarta, thousand of people demanded Ahok to be put into justice. "I'm worried if Ahok is not get firm sanction, there will be a lot more massive movement coming from Muslims and this movement will spread all across the country," Syukri Fadholi Chief of the local Unity and Development Party said.

In Bandung, West Java, rain did not stopped hundreds of youngster from Generasi Muda Jabar to hold demonstration in front of Gedung Sate. "We see no reason for the police to postpone Ahok's imprisonment," Coordinator of Darul Hikam Youth, Agus, remarked.

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Muslims in West Nusa Tenggara appointed November 3rd as the deadline for the police to nail Ahok. They promised to hold a massive movement if Ahok has not been caught on that date.

North Sumatra Police Chief Rycko Amelza Dahniel agreed with the mass who demand the police to process Ahok religious blasphemy case. He noticed the case has been discussed not only nationally, but also international. "We hoped Jakarta Police would settle it accordingly," he said.

Meanwhile, Bekasi Metro Police Umar Surya Fana have listened aspirations from hundreds members of several Islamic organizations that formed Forum Ukhuwah Umat Islam Bekasi (FUUI). Umar said the aspiration will be conveyed to Jakarta Metro Police chief. "Meanwhile, let's show Muslims are united, peace lover, and not anarchy," he said in Bekasi, West Java.

Previously, in Padang, West Sumatra, thousands of people naming themself Forum Masyarakat Minangkabau (FMM) asked the police to hold equality before the law principle. They believed the case of religious blasphemy by a women in Bali would be a perfect example in handling Ahok. "She was caught and punished 14 month imprisonment," Muhammad Siddiq of the FMM said on Sunday (10/23).

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