Selasa 08 Nov 2016 21:05 WIB

Police arrest five HMI cadre as suspects

Rep: RR Laeny Sulistyawati/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Head of Public Relations National Police Inspector General Boy Rafli Amar (center) was showing photos of the riot at the night of November 4th rally at Jakarta, Saturday (11/5).
Foto: Republika/Agung Supriyanto
Head of Public Relations National Police Inspector General Boy Rafli Amar (center) was showing photos of the riot at the night of November 4th rally at Jakarta, Saturday (11/5).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The police have arrested five members of Islamic Students Association (HMI) allegedly involvement in the November 4th riots. The general secretary of the organization, Ami Jaya, was caught on Monday (11/7) midnight. Four others were nailed in different places.

Police revealed them as Ismail Ibrahim, Ami Jaya Halim, Ramadhan Reubun, Muhammad Rijal Berkat and Rahmat Muni. "They have been named as suspects," Head of Public Relations Jakarta Police Commissioner Awi Setiyono on Tuesday (11/8).

Based on the result of investigations, the fifth cadre of HMI were involved in resistance efforts against the officers at the November 4th night. They could face seven years imprisonment. "All of them are considered to violate an Article 214 in conjuction with 212 related to conduct of violence or threats of violence against officers on duty," Awi said.

Meanwhile, according to the Coordinator attorney HMI, Muhammad Syukur Mandar, at least 30 police officers involved in the raid. He denounce the arrest of five cadres to National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) on Tuesday. HMI assess the arrests were made on Monday midnight was done forcibly and not in an appropriate procedure.

Politician Indra J Piliang also commented the detention of HMI cadre. He stated through his Twitter account that those student were future leaders. "I still could drive millions of HMI cadres which I trained for decades," he said.

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