Senin 14 Nov 2016 22:25 WIB

Din Syamsuddin: Public will monitor open case screening

Rep: Dian Erika Nugraheny, Amri Amrullah/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Hundred thousands of people joined Aksi Bela Islam II (the 2nd action to defend Islam) on November 4. They urged law enforcement on the alleged case of religious blasphemy by Jakarta governor-inactive Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok). There has been a discourse on Aksi Bela Islam III on November 25.
Foto: Republika/Reiny Dwinanda
Hundred thousands of people joined Aksi Bela Islam II (the 2nd action to defend Islam) on November 4. They urged law enforcement on the alleged case of religious blasphemy by Jakarta governor-inactive Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok). There has been a discourse on Aksi Bela Islam III on November 25.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Chairman of the Advisory Board Indonesian Council of Ulama Din Syamsuddin has asked the public to monitor the open case screening of Jakarta governor-inactive Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok)'s alleged religious blasphemy.

"We should monitor the result and previously we have urged the open case screening should be transparent, precise and fair," Din said.  


Furthermore, Din asked the government not to underestimate the discourses of November 25th rally. The forthcoming demonstration should be seen as public doubt to fair legal proceeding. "The government should be more prudent in dealing with public reaction," he said to on Monday.

Meanwhile, criminal analyst Farid Mu'adz said the police did not have to present Egyptian ulama at the open case screening. According to him, the process of asking expert opinion justified at the investigation stage. "Ahok's alleged case of religious blasphemy is a simple case and there has been several example of previous case, such as Arswendo Atmowiloto, Lia Eden, Ms Rusgiani (Bali) and Tajul Muluk," he said.

According to Farid, the police has set different standard in handling Ahok's case. Based on jurisprudence on previous verdict, the upcoming open case screening has no legal basis. "Discretion of the National Police chief regulation could only be done in terms of legal absence."

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