Kamis 24 Nov 2016 00:59 WIB

Local governments to facilitate power plant projects: PLN

Petugas PLN Area Sumbawa Sub Rayon Bugis Medang sedang melakukan pemeliharaan rutin Pembangkit LIstrik Tenaga Diesel (PLTD)  Bugis Medang di Pulau Medang, Sumbawa Nusa Tenggara Barat, Selasa (6/9) (Foto: Dok PLN)
Foto: Dok PLN
Petugas PLN Area Sumbawa Sub Rayon Bugis Medang sedang melakukan pemeliharaan rutin Pembangkit LIstrik Tenaga Diesel (PLTD)  Bugis Medang di Pulau Medang, Sumbawa Nusa Tenggara Barat, Selasa (6/9) (Foto: Dok PLN)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- State-run electricity company PT PLN has admitted that local governments have offered help to facilitate its power plant projects, after disclosure about 34 stalled projects across the country. "After the revelations, local authorities have extended help to speed up the process (to restart such projects)," Director of PLN Regional Business for Sumatra, Amir Rosidin, said here on Wednesday.

He cited the case of Bengkulu authority that helped the company to finish its transmission project in the province. "We have a Pekalongan to Bay Island transmission project involving 100 km of stretch. The land release process has been completed and only 35 tower locations are left. We have been supported by the Bengkulu Governor," he noted.

Such support is also coming from other regions, such as Bangka Belitung, Riau, Jambi and North Sumatra, for power plant projects in their respective areas. In Sumatra, Amir stated, local authorities have established a team comprising personnel from provincial and district governments. They would also help check the transmission network in Sumatra.

He informed that the company would need help from various parties to finalize its projects, especially those stalled, under the government's 35,000 megawatt power plant program.

Previously, 34 power plant projects could not be finished during the 2007-2011 development period due to various problems. There were issues related to legality, working contracts, geographical structure and administrative aspects linked to local governments.

Of the total 34 projects, PLN would continue 17 projects currently under construction, apart from the six projects for which it took over the construction. Eleven of the projects were terminated.

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