Kamis 01 Dec 2016 00:33 WIB

Jusuf Kalla invites world's CEO to witness 212 rally

Rep: Dessy Suciati Saputri/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Vice President Jusuf Kalla
Foto: Antara/muhammad Iqbal
Vice President Jusuf Kalla

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Vice President Jusuf Kalla assured the businessman that the up coming December 2 rally (212) will run peaceful and safely. This was conveyed during Networking Reception Forbes Global CEO Conference on Wednesday. 

Kalla explained the 212 rally will not only be an rally but also a prayer. "This is a combination of rally and prayer. This is good. It only run half a day. No need to worry. There will be no riot," he said.

According to Kalla demonstration does not only happen in Indonesia. In many other democratic coutries, demonstration also occured. Kalla said the situation in Indonesia is still stable despite of series of demonstration. "We did not have any problem with that."

Kalla then invited the world's CEO to witness the peaceful rally and pray on December 2. "We will see how so many people worship and see how Indonesia really rallied and prayed," he remarked.


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