Kamis 01 Dec 2016 18:30 WIB

Ahok is not arrested nor detained, here's why

Rep: Mabruroh/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
On December 2, the National Movement to Guard the Indonesian Council of Ulama's Fatwa (GNPF MUI) will stage a peaceful rally. This will be the third action. They still demanding law enforcement against the suspect of alleged religious blasphemer.
Foto: Republika/Reiny Dwinanda
On December 2, the National Movement to Guard the Indonesian Council of Ulama's Fatwa (GNPF MUI) will stage a peaceful rally. This will be the third action. They still demanding law enforcement against the suspect of alleged religious blasphemer.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Evidences and suspect of alleged religious blasphemy case have been handed over by the National Police's Criminal and Investigation Department to the Attorney General Office on Thursday. Nevertheless, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) has not been arrested nor detained. After undergo the suspect transfer process, Ahok continued his Jakarta gubernatorial election campaign.

Head of the Legal Information Center Attorney General Office, Muhammad Rum, said his office did not arrest nor detain the suspect for several reason. "First of all, the National Police investigator have already given letter requesting prevention against Ahok to go overseas," he explained on Thursday.

Secondly, the standard operational procedure stated in case of the police investigator did not arrest and detain the suspect, then neither did the Attorney General Office. Moreover, according to case file researchers, there's no need to detain the suspect. "Lastly, so far the suspect is really cooperative," he remarked.

The Ahok is accused to violate Criminal Code Article 156 with the threat of four years imprisonment and Article 156a with the threat of five years imprisonment.

On December 2, the National Movement to Guard the Indonesian Council of Ulama's Fatwa (GNPF MUI) will stage a peaceful rally. This is the third rally led by ulamas. Million of people from many provinces and interfaith predicted to join the rally. They will sit and pray while listening to ulamas and national leaders advices. They still demanding law enforcement against the suspect of alleged religious blasphemer.

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