Selasa 06 Dec 2016 00:00 WIB

ACTA casts a civil lawsuit against Ahok

Rep: Ahmad Islamiy Jamil/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Chairman of the Advisory Board ACTA Habiburokhman (left), Deputy Chairman of ACTA Nurhayati (center) and Habib Novel Bamukmin (right) spoke to reporters after filing civil lawsuit against Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) to the North Jakarta District Court on Monday (12/5).
Foto: Republika/Yasin Habibi
Chairman of the Advisory Board ACTA Habiburokhman (left), Deputy Chairman of ACTA Nurhayati (center) and Habib Novel Bamukmin (right) spoke to reporters after filing civil lawsuit against Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) to the North Jakarta District Court on Monday (12/5).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- A number of lawyers who are members of the Patriotism Advocates (ACTA) filed a civil lawsuit against Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) in North Jakarta District Court on Monday. The lawsuit is related to the alleged religious blasphemy case. "Today, as the attorney of Habib Novel Chaidir Hasan Bamukmin, we filed a civil lawsuit against Ahok on the material losses suffered by our client due to Ahok's statement regarding Al Maidah verse 51," Deputy Chairman of ACTA, Y Nurhayati, told reporters.

According to Nurhayati, Habib Novel as clerics felt aggrieved by Ahok's statement about "being lied using Al Maidah verse 51". Ahok said it at Seribu Islands at September 26. "His statement made Habib Novel felt stigmatized as a liar because Habib Novel once preached about the verse in Seribu Islands just before Ahok's official visit," Nurhayati said.

Therefore, in filing the lawsuit, ACTA urged Ahok to replace the material losses of Rp 204 million to Habib Novel. In addition, ACTA asked the North Jakarta District Court to give punishment to Ahok within 10 days once the decision of the case is final and binding. Also, Ahok should advertise his full-page apology in nine national newspapers. 

Ahok is urged to admit his statement regarding Al Maidah verse 51 was only meant to gain Musims vote. He has to stated that no ulamas lied or fooled the Muslims using Al Maidah verse 51. 

Meanwhile, Habiburokhman as one of member of ACTA said the civil lawsuit is filed referring to Article 98 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (KUHAP). "The article says, for the same case, tort could be combined with criminal cases. If the lawsuit is successful, this could be jurisprudence in the future. In the history, this kind of lawsuit merger rarely happens," he explained.

Habib Novel confirmed he was suffering material loss after Ahok insulted the Quran. "Many of my activities were cancelled. Moreover, I felt disadvantaged immaterially. I was the last cleric who delivered Surah Al Maidah verse 51 to the people of Seribu Islands, before Ahok speech there. It's as if I am a liar. I also harmed as a preacher," he remarked.

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