Rabu 07 Dec 2016 19:00 WIB

Pidie Jaya hits by 25 aftershocks, 92 killed: BMKG

Rep: Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Officers operate heavy equipment to search for victims of the rubble of houses store (shop) caused by the earthquake in the village of Ulee Glee, Bandar Dua Sub-district, Pidie Jaya, Aceh, Wednesday (12/7).
Foto: Antara/Ampelsa
Officers operate heavy equipment to search for victims of the rubble of houses store (shop) caused by the earthquake in the village of Ulee Glee, Bandar Dua Sub-district, Pidie Jaya, Aceh, Wednesday (12/7).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics (BMKG) recorded 25 aftershocks after the 6.5 SR magnitude earthquake rocked Pidie Jaya, Aceh on Wednesday (7/12).  Previously, BMKG stated the magnitude was 6.5 but then it was validated at 6.5 Richter scale. 

Head of BMKG Stasiun Mata, Eridawati, said to reporters that the earthquake centered in Pidie Jaya, precisely at 5.25 North Latitude and 96.24 East Longitude at the depth of 15 kilometers. “The earthquake catagorized into relatively strong earthquake, causing various damages to the buildings and houses. The societies were asked to stay calm and not to be provoked by any unjustified information,” she said. 

Eridawati added, the aftershocks would still potentially continue until the next two days. So far, there were 25 aftershocks ranging between 3.3 to 4.4 Richter scale.

The Iskandar Muda Military Commander, Major General Tatang Suherman, stated that 92 people killed and 213 others injured on the earthquake. “Based on the report from the military, police, and volunteers, there were 92 people killed, mostly from Pidie Jaya,” he said to reporters while visiting the earthquake site in Pidie Jaya, Wednesday (12/7).

Accompanied by the Provincial Police Commander, Inspector General Rio S Djambak, Tatang visited the earthquake location along the streets in Pidie, Pidie Jaya and Bireuen. He said that the search for survivors would be continued at some points. It was estimated that there were still people who were trapped in the rubbles. 

To speed up the evacuation process, the military officers would deploy more forces in the districts, likewise the police officers.  They would cooperate with the volunteers from National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas), Radio Among Indonesian Residents (RAPI), Indonesian Red Cross (PMI), and Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD). 

According to Rio, the worst damaged areas were the capital of Pidie Jaya Meureudu and Ulee Glee. The survivors were evacuated to three local hospitals, namely Pidie District Hospital, Pidie Jaya District Hospital and Bireuen District Hospital.    

The temporary report said, 92 shop units were heavily damaged and partly flattened, located in five districts. Forty one units were in Meureudu, 26 units in Tringgadeng, seven units in Banda Dua, 16 units in Bandar Baru, and two units in Meurah. There were also five mosque units suffered severe damage in the districts. Besides the buildings, four points of roads in Pidie Jaya also suffered for cracked, such as in Tringgadeng, Langputu, and Ulim.

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