Kamis 08 Dec 2016 00:00 WIB

Ahok’s case is exceptional: Attorney General

Rep: Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
 The Attorney General Muhammad Prasetyo at the hearing process with Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI), in Jakarta on Tuesday.
Foto: Republika/Rakhmawaty La'lang
The Attorney General Muhammad Prasetyo at the hearing process with Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI), in Jakarta on Tuesday.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The Attorney General Muhammad Prasetyo said that basically blasphemy case is only a general case. But, this becomes an exceptional case when it is related to an Jakarta Governor-inactive Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok).

“It’s actually not the first time happened in Indonesia, but this case became exceptional because the suspect was a candidate in Jakarta gubernatorial election,” he said in the hearing process with Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI), in Jakarta on Tuesday.

He added that the case also become an exceptional because Ahok came from a minority ethnic and a non-Muslim background. Those three points were very sensitive issues underlying the case. 

This case became a concern of the public and raised various public reactions. Therefore, it is necessary to be handled exceptionally. “This is an exceptional because it was monitored. It fostered a widespread reaction in the form of rallies and protests with various demands and requests. Of course it should be our concern to do law enforcement,” he said. 

Because there were requests, hopes, and appeals from the society to resolve the case as soon as possible, it was transferred to the court immediately. According to him, it was decided while the police examining the dossiers. After concluding that the investigation was completed, the prosecutors were immediately instructed to make the indictment. “So, during the second handover, the indictment was ready and was already there. This is why we declared and transferred the case to the court on that day,” he said. 

On that occasion, Prasetyo also stressed that the case had been handled following the existing procedures. So, the society did not need to have any prejudice on it. 

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