Selasa 13 Dec 2016 14:52 WIB

Complainants unable to enter courtroom, Pedri Kasman: This is Discrimination

Rep: Eko Supriyadi, Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Complainants of alleged religious blasphemy case by Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) could not enter the courtroom to witness inagural session of the case. Irena Handono and Pedri Kasman disappointed..
Foto: eko supriyadi
Complainants of alleged religious blasphemy case by Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) could not enter the courtroom to witness inagural session of the case. Irena Handono and Pedri Kasman disappointed..

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Groups who filed police reports against Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok)  in the case of  alleged blasphemy were disappointed realizing they could not enter the North Jakarta Distric Court courtroom. The authorities said the courtroom was full since morning. ''Who are they?  Why were not the groups who filed the police reports that allowed to come in?'' said one of the complainant, Irena Handono, in Jakarta, on Tuesday (12/13).

Secretary of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah Youth, Pedri Kasman, share the same experience as Irena. Claimed to have arrived at the court since 07:00 am, Pedri did not get the chance to attend the inagural session of the trial. ''We are not allowed to enter the courtroom. This is discrimination. Supposedly, the complainants and the one who was being reported were in the courtroom," he said.

Also read: Today, Ahok to face trial as defendant of religious blasphemy case

Pedri will ask the district court and the police chief about the situation. He believed two bodies are responsible. According to Pedri, there were 16 complainants who were not able to enter the courtroom.  “We were against this arbitrariness by the power of God. The prosecutors and judges, please listen to our deepest feelings, '' he said.

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