Rabu 14 Dec 2016 00:28 WIB

Ahok’s case will be resumed next Tuesday

Rep: Qommarria Rostanti, Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) prepared to face inaugural session trial of alleged religious blasphemy at the North Jakarta District Court on Tuesday  (12/13).
Foto: Antara/Tatan Syuflana
Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) prepared to face inaugural session trial of alleged religious blasphemy at the North Jakarta District Court on Tuesday (12/13).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The case of alleged blasphemy with  BasukiTjahaja Purnama (Ahok) as the defendant would be resumed on Tuesday (12/20). “We suspended the trial up to Tuesday (20/12) at 09:00 am, to hear the general prosecutor response on the memorandum of objection or exception said by the defendant and his legal advisors,” said the Head of the Judges Dwiarso Budi Santiarto in Jakarta, Tuesday (12/13).  

In the inagural session, the general prosecutor has read seven pages of indictments. During the trial, the Public Prosecutor Ali Mukartono indicted Ahok with Article 156 of the Criminal Code on blasphemy. He argued that the inactive Governor of Jakarta Special Region had intentionally used the Surah al Maidah verse 51 in delivering his speech at Kepulauan Seribu. 

On the exception, Ahok insisted that the words mentioning the verse in the Holy Quran was not aimed at interpreting it. He said he had no intention to insult Islam. The words addressed to politicians who often utilize the verse of Quran for political purposes, related to his previous experiences in joining Bangka Belitung Election 2007.  

In addition, Ahok’s legal advisor Trimoelja Suryadi objected to the hearing of the case. He said the case was quick processed and be forced. “The trial occurred because of masses pressure. When the full version video was uploaded, no one was angry or being offended,” said him.

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