Rabu 14 Dec 2016 02:22 WIB

Cabinet Secretary believes bomb in Bekasi is targeting the Presidential Palace

Rep: Kabul Astuti/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
The polices guard the location of bomb finding's at the Bintara Jaya, Bekasi, West Java on Saturday (12/10).
Foto: REPUBLIKA/Israr Itah
The polices guard the location of bomb finding's at the Bintara Jaya, Bekasi, West Java on Saturday (12/10).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung said that bomb in Bekasi, West Java was targeting the Presidential Palace. He emphasized that the government was fully believed on the data presented by the National Police. "The data held by the police is guaranteed. It’s not a joke," he said in Jakarta, Tuesday (13/12).

Pramono said that the finding of bomb was a warning. Previously, when there was an explosion, people would blame the police and its chief. When the bomb was successfully prevented, there still people who made prejudices.  "I think this should be changed. Give trust to the National Police and Indonesian Military (TNI) so they could work better. We should have a willing to make Indonesia a safe country and we should be brave to face terror and radicalism,” he said. 

Furthermore, Pramono stated that the government appreciated the National Police succeed in preventing the alleged terrorists to do the suicide bombing. This showed that the police was spry in handling terrorism. He reminded that, on the same day, terror attacks hit some countries, such as Cairo (Egypt), Istanbul (Turkey), and others. “Thanks to God, (the bombing in) Indonesia could be handled,” Pramono said.  

Meanwhile, Bekasi Metro Police Commissioner Umar Surya Fana said there were linkage between the finding of three kilograms bom in Bekasi City, West Java, with bomb attack in six seperate locations all over the world on Monday (12/12). "The Bekasi's bomb at first will be conducted by terrorist group of Bahrun Naim and the plan was to blow State Palace during the president security forces shift briefing. "The plan failed with the arrestment of the three suspected terrorists," Umar said.

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