Kamis 15 Dec 2016 00:03 WIB

MUI’s official statement on the human tragedy in Rakhine

Rep: Wahyu Suryana, Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Massa dari PW HIMA Persis Jabar berunjuk rasa di kawasan jalan Merdeka terkait terkait kasus kemanusiaan terhadap etnis Rohingya, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Kamis (24/11).
Foto: Antara/Agus Bebeng
Massa dari PW HIMA Persis Jabar berunjuk rasa di kawasan jalan Merdeka terkait terkait kasus kemanusiaan terhadap etnis Rohingya, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Kamis (24/11).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI) issued an official statement on the human tragedy occurred in Rakhine, Myanmar. The document consisting seven important points signed by the Chairman KH Ma’ruf Amin and the Secretary General Anwar Abbas, on Wednesday (12/14).

Firstly, MUI condemned the massacre, expulsion, oppression, torture, rape, looting, arrests and a number of other inhumane acts taken by Myanmar’s forces and armed militias to the Rohingya Muslims. It cannot be tolerated in the name of anything and indicates the ethnic demolition or genocide against them.

Secondly, MUI urged the Myanmar government to stop the massacres and inhumanity taken by Myanmar army and armed militias, as well as to provide protection on the rights of life and having religion among the Rohingya Muslims. ''If this is not be done, we ask for the revoke of Aung San Suu Kyi Nobel Peace Prize. She does not deserve to be prized, '' said Ma'ruf Amin warned.

Third, MUI demanded the Myanmar government to admit the Rohingya people as Myanmar citizens and fulfill their rights without discrimination. Fourth, MUI deplored United Nations (UN) for the non-proactive actions on the issue of the genocide. ''We urge UN and other agencies to have concrete steps on the international scope to prevent the continuation of humanitarian crisis in Myanmar, '' said Ma'ruf.

According to Ma'ruf, MUI had sent a report to UN Security Council, asked for immediate peacekeeping troops sending to protect the Rohingyans.  Fifth, MUI urged the Indonesian government to play an active role in ending the humanitarian tragedy in Myanmar and to take a lead in resolving the problems together with other ASEAN and OIC countries. Sixth, MUI urged Indonesian government to set up a land for the Rohingya refugees, for example in one of uninhabited islands, so that they can build a new life in that place.

Seventh, MUI invited all components of Indonesian Muslims to provide help and assistance to the Rohingyans. “Their pain is the pain of all Muslims in the world,” said Ma’ruf.

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