REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- After being postponed for a week, the trial of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) on the case of religious blasphemy to resumed by the North Jakarta District Court on Tuesday (12/20). The court room will be opened at 08:00 am and the trial will be proceed at 09:00 am.
In order to accommodate other parties, the security forces will restrict number of journalists who wish to cover the trial. It has to be done due to limited space. "I suggest the printed and online media journalists to listen to the trial through the loud speaker," Head of North Jakarta District Court Public Relations Hasoloan Sianturi said to on Monday.
As a matter of fact, Hasoloan said the Court did not restrict who ever interested to enter the courtroom. But, the room only has 21 bench, each could be sat by four people. "Therefore, not all people could get in," he explained.
Previously, at the inaugural session on last Tuesday (12/13), groups who filed police reports against Ahok in the case of alleged blasphemy were disappointed because they were unable to enter the courtroom, currently located at the former building of the Central Jakarta District Court at Gajah Mada Street.
At that time, the authorities said the room was full. Meanwhile, the Court only allowed several TV journalist to cover the trial. The printed and online media journalists were only able to listen to the trial through the loudspeaker available outside the courtroom.
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