Selasa 20 Dec 2016 01:15 WIB

Airport customs foils trafficking of cocaine packed in markers

The laboratory test results showed the white powder confiscated by the authorities at the Halim Perdanakusuma Airport was cocaine weighing 275 grams.
Foto: abc
The laboratory test results showed the white powder confiscated by the authorities at the Halim Perdanakusuma Airport was cocaine weighing 275 grams.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Halim Perdanakusuma Airport Customs foiled an attempt to smuggle illicit drugs on Friday (12/9). The suspect brought cocaine packed in markers as camouflage. The laboratory test results showed the white powder was cocaine weighing 275 grams.

Head of Jakarta Custom Office, Chairul Saleh, said the customs in cooperation with National Narcotics Agency (BNN), the Air Force, and Police to uncovered the smuggling attempt. "When examining the two packages of the shipment, we found there were two markers containing white powder," Chairul said in Jakarta on Monday.

Furthermore, with 'controlled delivery' conducted by the Customs, the authorities managed to catch one man and one consignee as owner of the goods. According to Chairul, both of the suspects are Indonesian citizen who lived in Denpasar (Bali) and Surabaya (East Java).

Throughout 2016, Jakarta Customs have foiled 11 drug smuggling cases.

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