Rabu 21 Dec 2016 22:30 WIB

Densus 88 arrests more suspected terrorists in four regions

Jakarta Metro Police Chief Inspector General Mohammad Iriawan visited location of terrorist raid at Setu, South Tangerang, Banten, on Wednesday.
Foto: Antara/Muhammad Iqbal
Jakarta Metro Police Chief Inspector General Mohammad Iriawan visited location of terrorist raid at Setu, South Tangerang, Banten, on Wednesday.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesian police's anti-terrorist unit Densus 88 arrested another suspect in Batam, Riau province, on Wednesday after arresting several others from three regions earlier in the day. "It is true. An arrest has been made in Batam," Indonesia Police's Head of Public Information Department Senior Commissioner Martinus Sitompul said at headquarters here on Wednesday.

Martinus said Abisya alias Ha was arrested at his home in Saguling Bahagia Block N/3, Rt 003, Rw 008, Sungai Lekop, Sagulung sub-district, Batam. Abisya (28) is connected with suspected terrorist Safei Lubis alias S who was caught in Deli Serdang, North Sumatra, earlier in the day.

He is also part of the Khatibah Gonggong Rebus (KGR) led by Gigih Rahmat Dewa. "Together with KGR members he helped Chinese ethnic Uighur citizen named Ali alias Faris Kusuma alias Nu Mehmet Abdulah Cuma and Doni Sanjaya alias Muhamad alias Halide Tuerxun, who are part of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement, enter into Indonesia illegally and hid their presence while in Batam," he said.

Abisya also took part in managing Rafiqa Travel, which belongs to Rafiqa Hanum, the wife of Bahrun Naim, an Indonesian ISIS fighter in Syria. Abisya has also recruited people to fight in Syria. "He took an oath of allegiance to ISIS along with other KGR members in August in 2015 in Sungai Ladi, Batam," he said.

Martinus said Abisya would immediately be flown to Jakarta for further questioning. Densus 88 arrested four people earlier on Wednesday in four different locations; three others were killed during anti-terror operations. The first arrests were made in Serpong and Babakan Setu, South Tangerang in Banten province, West Java.

Adam, one of the four arrested near Jakarta, is alive while three others - Omen, Irwan and Helmi - have been shot to death after throwing a bomb at the police when asked to surrender. Later, Densus arrested Jhon Tanamal alias Hamzah in the district of Payakumbuh, West Sumatra. He is believed to be connected with a terrorist network in Solo, Central Java.

Hamzah was arrested at his house on Jalan Soekarno-Hatta Number 69, Rt 004, Rw 001, Balai Nan Duo, West Payakumbuh sub-district. Immediately after his arrest he was taken to the Mobile Brigade headquarters of the West Sumatra Police Command in Padang Panjang. "H has played a role in purchasing materials needed by Abi Zaid for producing explosives and bombs. He has also financed production of the explosives and bombs by the group. H and Abi Zaid have attempted to produce bombs and explosives," Martinus said.

In Deli Serdang, North Sumatra, Densus 88 arrested suspected terrorist Safei Lubis alias S. "S has been arrested for allegedly being involved in the KGR. He has acted as a recruiter for KGR members," he said.

sumber : Antara
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