Selasa 27 Dec 2016 00:28 WIB

Police reveal scheme of terrorist attack to a Police Station in Purwakarta

Rep: Mabruroh, Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
In a press conference on Monday, the Head of Public Relation Bureau, Brigadier General Rikwanto, said the four suspected terrorists were known to plan an attack on a police station in Bunder, Purwakarta, West Java, on the New Year’s eve.
Foto: Republika/Raisan Al Farisi
In a press conference on Monday, the Head of Public Relation Bureau, Brigadier General Rikwanto, said the four suspected terrorists were known to plan an attack on a police station in Bunder, Purwakarta, West Java, on the New Year’s eve.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Four suspected terrorists who were raided by the Special Detachment 88 (Densus 88) Antiterror Unit on Sunday were known to plan an attack on a police station in Bunder, Purwakarta, West Java, on the New Year’s eve.

The Head of Public Relation Bureau, Brigadier General Rikwanto, said that the suspected terrorists planned to attack by making some different tasks. Two people assigned to attack the police by using sharp weapons. "The two others were delegated to monitor the surroundings and to be ready to help them escaped,” said Rikwanto.

Furthermore, RIkwanto explained the scheme of suspected terrorist attack. “How will they do it? Two people will attack with sharp weapons, two people will watch the surroundings, and then they will be ready to escape," said Rikwanto at the National Police Headquarter, Jakarta, on Monday.

Two suspected terrorists, known as Rizal and Irfan, had been secured in Brimob Headquarter. Meanwhile, the two others were shot down in an ambush. They were known as Abu Sofi and Abu Faiz.

The four suspected terrorists were arrested on Sunday (December 25) at around 11:30 am. Two suspects were being arrested out of his rented house, while two more others tried to fight the police and finally being shot in their rented house, in a floating net area near the Jatiluhur reservoir.

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