Rabu 04 Jan 2017 00:00 WIB

Novel Bamukmin says Ahok never learn his lesson

Rep: Eko Supriyadi, Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) seated on the trial in the case of religious blasphemy at the Auditorium of Ministry of Agriculture, Jakarta, on Tuesday (Jan 3).
Foto: Antara/POOL/Irwan Rismawan
Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) seated on the trial in the case of religious blasphemy at the Auditorium of Ministry of Agriculture, Jakarta, on Tuesday (Jan 3).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The trial of alleged blasphemy case with Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) as the defendant came to the witness testimony session. The General Secretary of Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Novel Chaidar Hasan or Novel Bamukmin, became the first witness in the trial that was held in the Auditorium of the Ministry of Agriculture, Jakarta, Tuesday (Jan 1).

In his testimony, Novel gave a number of evidences to show that Ahok has committed blasphemy. ''It was clear. The element of inadvertence Ahok said, was refuted by the data I have mentioned, '' he said.

The evidence was an e-book entitled ‘Merubah Indonesia’, especially in page 40 of paragraph one to four said about Al-Maidah. Novel also said that Ahok had ‘attacked’ Islam since he was a candidate for the deputy governor in 2012.

''For example, he said Holy verse-no, constitution verse-yes, or the constitution above the sacred verses. That's what I said, '' he said.

Novel was sure that this is not the first time for Ahok to commit blasphemy against Islam. The beliefs encouraged him to ignore the advice and question of the attorney about why he does not give advice to Ahok.

''I told her that he was not necessarily to be given advise. If he said it once, I need to give advices. But Ahok do this for many times; in the Pramuka Island on September 21 and in the internal meeting of National and Democracy Party on March 30. I see clearly (zohir), that Ahok was proven to never learn his lesson,'' he said.

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