Jumat 06 Jan 2017 00:00 WIB

'The state should give official statement about Jokowi Undercover'

Rep: Dadang Kurnia, Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
 Head of the Public Information Bureau Brig Rikwanto showed the book entitled 'Jokowi Undercover' after a press conference in Jakarta, Tuesday (Jan 3).
Foto: Antara/Rivan Awal Lingga
Head of the Public Information Bureau Brig Rikwanto showed the book entitled 'Jokowi Undercover' after a press conference in Jakarta, Tuesday (Jan 3).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) called on the state to assist the President Jokowi to form an independent team to conduct formal clarification regarding the case of a book entitled Jokowi Undercover. A commissioner of Komnas HAM, Natalius Pigai, said the establishment of the team is needed to restore the image of Jokowi and his family, officially.

"The independent team should include experts from universities, historians, health authorities, police, judiciary, and intelligence community (BIN, BAIS) to clarify formally," said Pigai via text message, on Thursday (5 / 1).

According to Pigai, the team should serve to discover historical facts, collect documents, including state confidential data as secondary data, primary data collection, as well as conduct scientific investigations through DNA testing. The results can be recorded and made public officially. "At the moment, President Jokowi must be positioned as an Indonesian citizen who allegedly being slandered," said Natalius.

Natalius added, the legal process by the police against the author of Jokowi Undercover, Bambang Tri Mulyono, is needed to be appreciated. The action was taken to protect the leader of state.

However, the public votes on a crackdown on copy rights, is needed to be a concern, because there was an impression of tendency to abuse the power in the name of state.

Also read: Jokowi Undercover is not accountable" href="http://en.republika.co.id/berita/en/national-politics/17/01/04/oj7s34414-police-say-jokowi-undercover-is-not-accountable" target="_blank">Police say Jokowi Undercover is not accountable

The abuse showed in the restraint of the freedom of opinion, thoughts and feelings as well as curbing the freedom of expression of the Indonesian people who have been struggled with lives and blood since 18 years ago.

"The state should not enter the space of individual human rights that have been inherent in nature, but it needs a progressive and professional efforts to declare that the book is wrong," Natalius explained.

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