Sabtu 07 Jan 2017 00:06 WIB

With the spirit of Dec 2 rally, GNPF MUI launches 212 Islamic cooperative

Rep: Fuji Pratiwi, Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Chairman of GNPF MUI Bachtiar Nasir said many things could be done by Muslims under the Islamic cooperative.
Foto: Republika/Tahta Aidilla
Chairman of GNPF MUI Bachtiar Nasir said many things could be done by Muslims under the Islamic cooperative.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BOGOR - The spirit of the ‘Aksi Bela Islam III’ on December 2, 2016 (212 Rally) inspired National Movement to the Guard Indonesian Council of Ulama's Fatwa (GNPF MUI) to increase the spirit of economic empowerment of Muslims. It was fueled the launches of ‘212’ Islamic Cooperative (Koperasi Syariah 212).

The Chairman of GNPF, Bachtiar Nasir said that the Islamic cooperative was born as the aspiration, initiation, and the move of the Muslims that are in line with the vision and mission of GNPF to build economic justice. What has been done by GNPF was started from the aspiration of people.

The form of cooperative was selected based on the Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution. The Islamic Cooperation Council of 212 will be coordinated with sharia economic expert, M Syafii Antonio. ''The Islamic Cooperative 212 is one of the people movements. Islamic boarding schools will also make economic association. There will be an advanced scroll," said Bachtiar on a press conference of the Launch of 212 Islamic Cooperative in Andalusia Mosque, STEI Tazkia Buildings, Sentul, Bogor Regency, on Friday.

Bachtiar said that many things could be done by the people under the name of the cooperative. The shop seems to be a new shop, but it was already longstanding. In his presentation,  Bachtiar said that GNPF initially did not have a master plan or any program. The organization only focused on the legal proceedings of defamation of Islam. He stressed that GNPF MUI only captured the aspirations of the people.

Bachtiar argued that the development of 212 Islamic cooperative is a form of economic jihad. In jihad, there cannot be ‘khurafat’ and fear other than for Allah. He said that, whatever is done, if there is no struggle for the people welfare, it will only be a poison for the struggle.

He also invited Muslims to begin to carry out the obligations on his property with zakat. When it be managed well, people should not in poverty. The potency of zakat is as many as Rp 217 trillion per year. When it can be collected for Rp 100 trillion per year, the purchasing power of the people will rise.

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