Kamis 12 Jan 2017 00:00 WIB

Police may not manipulate the law: Habib Rizieq

Rep: Eko Supriadi, Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
The Chairman of Islamic Defenders Front, Habib M Rizieq Shihab, shook hands with Vice Chairman of House of Representatives Fadli Zon (right) in  Parliamentary building on Wednesday. His visit was to deliver some aspirations, including about alleged coup plot at December 2, 2016.
Foto: Antara/Wahyu Putro A
The Chairman of Islamic Defenders Front, Habib M Rizieq Shihab, shook hands with Vice Chairman of House of Representatives Fadli Zon (right) in Parliamentary building on Wednesday. His visit was to deliver some aspirations, including about alleged coup plot at December 2, 2016.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The Chairman of Islamic Defenders Front, Habib M Rizieq Shihab, claimed to have no problem to be summoned by the Police related to the report on December 26, 2016. His speech in the video spread on social media was considered as an insult to Christianity.

''It's okay. Everyone who feels insulted has right to make a report. I just need to say here that Indonesia is a country of law, not a country of police," said Rizieq in the Parliament House, Senayan, Jakarta, on Wednesday.

Also read:  Habib Rizieq to Jakarta Metro Police" href="http://www.republika.co.id/berita/en/national-politics/16/12/27/oisxrw414-pmkri-reports-habib-rizieq-to-jakarta-metro-police" target="_blank">PMKRI reports Habib Rizieq to Jakarta Metro Police

The Central Board of Catholic Students Association of the Republic of Indonesia (PP-PMKRI) reported the Grand Imam of Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Habib Rizieq, to the Jaya Metro Police, on Monday (December 26, 2016). Rizieq was reported for allegedly harassing the Christian. (Instagram)

In addition, Rizieq said the police should perform the function of law enforcement. "The police may not manipulate the law by calling or not calling someone according to their individual willing, cannot be so," he said. 

However, Rizieq did not confirm whether he would come. He said he would be come when his condition was better. ''If I’m healthy, I’ll come. If I’m sick, I won’t come. If there are no obstacles, I’ll come. If there are obstacles, I won’t come. We cannot say definitely what is coming, should not be,'' he said.

Regarding to his visit to the Parliament House, he said that he wanted to deliver some aspirations. Some of them were about the alleged acts of treason in 212 (December 12, 2016) Rally and the alleged communist logo on the Rp 100 thousand-rupiah denomination.

Vice Chairman of House of Representatives Fadli Zon (right) and Fahri Hamzah (red batik shirt) welcomed Habib Rizieq Shihab (left) and Chairman of GNPF MUI Bachtiar Nasir (blue batik shirt) on Wednesday. (Antara/Wahyu Putro A)

Previously, a member of Red and White Solidarity (Solmet) reported Habib Rizieq to Jakarta Metro Police on Tuesday (January 10). He was reported in accordance to his speech about the hammer and sickle (communist) logo in the new money which is uploaded in Youtube by FPI TV accounts on December 25, 2016.

The report made by Firmansyah and being received by the Police Service Integrated (IFMS) of Jakarta Metro Police with the report number of Lp/125/I/2017/PMJ /Dit.reskrimsus dated on January 10, 2017 at 16:50 pm.

The Chairman of Solmet, Sylver Matutina, said Rizieq was reported due to spreading lies and hatred as set out in Article 28 paragraph (2) Juncto Article 45 paragraph (2) of the Basic Constitution number 19 of 2016 on Amendment of the number 11 years 2008 on Information Electronic Transactions (ITE).

Previously, he was also reported by the Anti-Defamation Young Intellectual Network (JIMAF) for his remarks on the communist emblem of the new banknotes issued by Bank Indonesia. The report was made by with the report number LP92/I/2017/PMJ/Ditreskrimsus dated January 8, 2017.

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