Sabtu 21 Jan 2017 04:03 WIB

Indonesia's policy on Palestinian independence remains unchanged

Indonesian people brought a huge Palestinian flag in a rally in front of US Embassy in Jakarta, last year  (July 25).
Indonesian people brought a huge Palestinian flag in a rally in front of US Embassy in Jakarta, last year (July 25).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesian chief legislator reminded people here on Friday that the country fully supports Palestinians' struggle for independence from Israel without any exception. 

"Indonesia's stance is clear --- it will continue fighting for Palestine, and will work to achieve the goal of seeing Palestine as a fully independent country. This policy must be adhered to," the chairman of the House of Representatives' Commission I, TB Hasanuddin, said.

His statement followed recent news reports about a meeting between the chairperson of the Indonesian Council of Ulemas' (MUI) Commission on Teenage Girls and Family Affairs and Israeli President Reuven Rivlin on Wednesday (Jan 18).

Hasanuddin stressed that Indonesia's support to the cause of Palestinian independence was reaffirmed when Indonesian representatives attended the Palestinian Independence Conference in Paris, France, last week.

The politician from the ruling Indonesia Democratic Party of Struggle asked if Istibsyaroh had met with the Israeli president in her personal capacity or as a member of the MUI. "It had been impossible (to have such a meeting) if she had come in her personal capacity because she was meeting the President of Israel," he argued.

Hasanuddin demanded that she as well as the MUI must offer a clarification. He pointed out that the people in the country must know that Indonesia's policy towards Palestine has been that till it attains independence, no official could be allowed to visit Israel.

Also read: MUI condemns its member for visiting Israel

Meanwhile, the Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI) condemned its members from the Commission for Women and Families' Empowerment for visiting Israel. MUI clarified that their presence did not represent MUI as institution.

According to the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the meeting between Istibsyaroh and President Rivlin took place on Wednesday (Jan 18). The MUI official had visited Israel upon the initiative of Australia/Israel and Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC).

Through his spokesperson, President Rivlin said he warmly welcomed the visit and stated that Israel did not have any intention to go to war against Islam. Rivlin expressed regret that a number of groups and countries have strongly denied the very idea of an Israeli state.

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