Senin 23 Jan 2017 10:13 WIB

Anthrax patients must be given treatment: VP

Jusuf Kalla
Foto: Antara
Jusuf Kalla

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MAKASSAR -- Vice President Jusuf Kalla said patients suspected to have contracted anthrax virus must be given a special treatment to prevent the spread of the disease. "The patients suspected to have contracted anthrax virus must receive a special treatment," Vice President Jusuf Kalla said here on Sunday.

News on a number of people suspected to have been infected with the anthrax virus are widely reported in social media following the circulation of a letter allegedly sent by the Sardjito Public Hospital to the local healthcare service in Sleman. The hospital through the letter informed that AH who was born on March 18, 2008 has died of anthrax virus infection.
Jusuf Kalla said in order to handle anthrax cases, a special operation is needed. However, the Sleman healthcare service and the Sardjito Public Hospital denied the reports on the content of the letter.
Groups of citizens also make calls through broadcast that the people should avoid the Godean and Sardjito areas. The messages also contained appeals that the people should not consume beef.
Head of Sleman Healthcare Service Murulhayah responded to the content of the letter saying that it is misleading. Nurulhayah said the cause of AH's death was meningitis. Medical workers are still studying the result of the Sardjito Hospital's laboratory test, which indicated that AH contracted bacilius anthracis.


sumber : Antara
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