Selasa 24 Jan 2017 00:00 WIB

To his supporters, Habib Rizieq asks: Are you ready to defend the ulema?

Rep: Muhyiddin, Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
After being examined on the case of hammer and sickle, Habib Rizieq gave explanation to his supporters outside the Jakarta Metro Police headquarters on Monday (January 23). He then asked the mass to go home in peace and orderly.
Foto: Republika/Fuji EP
After being examined on the case of hammer and sickle, Habib Rizieq gave explanation to his supporters outside the Jakarta Metro Police headquarters on Monday (January 23). He then asked the mass to go home in peace and orderly.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Head of Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Habib Muhammad Rizieq Shihab completed the examination by the police for approximately four hours. He was summoned related to the case of 'hammer and sickle’ in the new Indonesian money, at the Ditreskrimsus Metro Jaya Police building, Monday (January 23) at around 15:00 pm. 

After exiting the building, Habib Rizieq went to the location of the mass rally in front of the police headquarters, precisely on Sudirman Street. Approximately at 15:28 pm, the mass began to give way to his car with the number B 1 FPI. He was hailed by the the mass who expressed blessings to the Prophet Muhammad PBUH. 

Habib Rizieq straightly went up to the command car, followed by chants of takbir. He immediately gave a speech in front of thousands of people who are members of the various mass organizations. He began by greeting and appealed to the masses to brought down the flags.

"Me and my friends neither from the board of the National Movement to Guard the MUI's fatwa (GNPF) nor the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) give appreciation to the Muslims who were escorting their habib and ulema. Are you ready to defend the ulema? Ready to defend ulema?" said Habib Rizieq at the beginning of his speech.

In his speech, Habib Rizieq said that he underwent the examination as a witness related to the case of hammer and sickle symbol in the new bill. The examination ran smoothly. According to him, the protest against the logo of the new banknotes issued by Bank of Indonesia (BI) was the protest of all members, not just himself.

"If BI using rectoverso method, then we answered that the real banknote security technology had thousands of alternatives, but why should the hammer and sickle?" he said retoric.

Habib Rizieq hoped that today's examination would followed by the withdrawl of new banknotes. He strongly urged the masses to be ready to defeat PKI. "Therefore we asked the withdrawal of the new banknotes with PKI logo," he said.

As information, since 10:56 pm, Habib Rizieq was examined related to his statement that there was a logo of 'hammer and sickle' (communist) in the new banknotes issued by Bank of Indonesia. The statement was spread on social media. The examination was suspended due to the coming of the midday prayer, breaks, and lunch. However, not long after the investigation was continued and was ended at 15:00 pm.

Habib Rizieq was accused of incitement and racial hatred speech under Article 28 paragraph 2, in conjunction with Article 45 paragraph 2 of Law No. 19 of 2016 on the Amendment to Law Number 11 Year 2008 on Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE).

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