REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA –- Investigators from the Special Crime Unit of Jakarta Metro Police has conducted an examination of the Head of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Habib M Rizieq Shihab, related to the hammer and sickle (communist) logo case on Monday (January 23).
On Tuesday, the police claimed to have examined five witnesses related to the case. "There are more than five. There are complainants, experts, and Bank Indonesia (BI) personnel. All of them came," said the Head of Public Relations of Jakarta Metro Police, Sr. Raden Prabowo Argo Yuwono to reporters on Tuesday (January 24).
Argo said he had not yet found new findings in the examination of Habib Rizieq yesterday. However, the investigators would continuously work to precede the case. "No (new finding), please wait. The investigation was still on the phase of seeking the suspect. The investigators were still looking for other witnesses," he said.
Argo has not been able to ascertain who the potential suspect was, whether it was Habib Rizieq or FPI account manager who uploaded the video of Habib Rizieq’s lecture. "We would just wait, how and who would be determined (as the suspect) by the investigator," he said.
He does not know when the investigators would conduct a hearing to raise Habib Rizieq’s status. He said they were still collecting and reviewing files from other witnesses.
Also read: I was summoned for giving warning for the awakening of PKI: Habib Rizieq
Previously, Habib Rizieq was examined on Monday (January 23) regarding to the case of alleged desecration of the new banknotes. He said in a speech posted on YouTube account under the name of ‘FPI TV’ on December 25, 2016, that there is a symbol of ‘hammer and sickle’ in the new banknotes.
"This is the new banknotes. There are two thousand, five thousand, ten thousand, twenty thousand Rupiahs, again the ‘hammer and sickle’. See the print out. This is ‘hammer and sickle’, back and front is the hammer and sickle," Rizieq said in the video.
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