Selasa 31 Jan 2017 18:25 WIB

Potential conflicts during simultaneous elections in Aceh, Papua and Jakarta remain high

Rep: Dian Erika N, Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
The Ministry of Domestic Affairs, Tjahjo Kumolo, said Jakarta, Aceh, and Papua had potential conflicts on Simultaneous Elections 2017.
Foto: Republika/Wihdan Hidayat
The Ministry of Domestic Affairs, Tjahjo Kumolo, said Jakarta, Aceh, and Papua had potential conflicts on Simultaneous Elections 2017.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The Ministry of Domestic Affairs, Tjahjo Kumolo, said there were three regions had potential conflicts on Simultaneous Elections 2017. The regions were Jakarta, Aceh, and Papua. 

Tjahjo said Jakarta conditions tend to be safe. “But, the condition of the political dynamics was still high,” said him during a meeting in Bidakara Hotel, Jakarta, on Tuesday.

According to him, Aceh had highly potential conflicts due to many pairs of candidates joined the selection of simultaneous election. They mostly came from the second regional level. But, until today, the condition was remain safe,” he said. 

In Papua, the condition was restrained. On Tuesday, the Ministry of Domestic Affairs, together with the National Police (Polri), the Indonesian Military (TNI), General Election Commission (KPU), the Electional Watch (Bawaslu), and the State Intelligence Board (BIN), conducted a meeting to stabilize the preparation of election. The meeting on Tuesday would discuss the dynamics of the preparation of the simultaneous election in 101 regions. 

"We gathered them all to review which regions had such dynamics and needed a special monitoring,” said Tjahjo. 

Meanwhile, the National Police Chief, General Tito Karnavian, said the process of the election in Aceh and Papua have had followed by some incidents. In Aceh, a shooting was ever happened during the campaign. In Papua, a burning resulted on deaths. 

“In Jakarta, the dynamics were harsh, where there were two of candidate entered the realm of law,” said him in the same meeting. 

Tito remained that there were eight elements to indicate the succeed of the Simultaneous Election 2017, namely the KPU, Bawaslu, pairs of candidate, the government, the police and military securities, the media, the societies, and the independent monitoring personnel. All the elements were asked to improve their coordination until the elections process finished. 

Based on Bawaslu’s mapping to January, there were seven provinces with thousands of potentially conflicted election points (TPS) in the gubernatorial elections. The provinces were West Papua (6.824 TPS), Aceh (4.010 TPS), Banten (3.857 TPS), West Sulawesi (3.157 TPS), Jakarta (1.868 TPS), Gorontalo (481 TPS), and Bangka Belitung (TPS 244 TPS). The level of conflict were measured based on five aspects, namely the voters information, logistic supplies, the involvement of state administrators, money politics, and the procedures of the implementation of elections. 

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