Selasa 31 Jan 2017 19:35 WIB

Discussing domestic security, police hold meeting with Islamic mass organisations

The National Police held a meeting with several Islamic mass organizations here on Tuesday (January 31) to discuss domestic security conditions.
Foto: Republika/Rakhmawaty La'lang
The National Police held a meeting with several Islamic mass organizations here on Tuesday (January 31) to discuss domestic security conditions.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The National Police (Polri) held a meeting with several Islamic mass organizations here on Tuesday to discuss domestic security conditions. "The police cannot work alone to address threats in future. Hence, we must work together with all sectors of the community. We are holding this get-together with Islamic mass organizations, religious figures and ulemas to work together to guide the public," chief of Polri's security maintenance body, Commissioner General Putut Eko Bayuseno, said at the meeting here on Tuesday.

He noted that many conflicts have taken place ahead of simultaneous regional head elections scheduled for February 15, 2017. To deal with the conflicts, the police must cooperate with religious figures and mass organizations.

At the meeting, top officers of the Polri Headquarters discussed issues and exchanged views with religious figures and mass organizations. He expressed hope that through the meeting, the police and religious figures would have the same perception to guide the public. "(We will) work together to detect whether there have been conflicts at the grass-root level which, if left unheeded, would become large," he stated.

At the meeting, both sides agreed to find solutions to the current national problems.  The mass organizations which took part in the meeting included the Indonesian Muslim Brotherhood Association, Ka'bah Youth Movement (GPK), Indonesian Muslim Graduates Association (Persami), Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals Association (ICMI), Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), United Betawi Forum (FBB), Indonesian Islam Youth Movement (GPII), Counter-Terrorism National Movement (GNMT), Police-Community Partnership Forum (FKMP) and Ahlus Sunnah Forum.

A number of ulemas also participated in the meeting, which took place at the auditorium of the Police Science Academy (PTIK) in South Jakarta.

National Police Chief General Tito Karnavian did not show up at the meeting because he had to attend a coordination meeting on simultaneous regional head elections. 


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