Rabu 08 Feb 2017 06:55 WIB

Expert witness verifies the video of Ahok in Seribu Island as original

Rep: Ilham, Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Video of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama's (Ahok) speech in Seribu Island that went viral in social media.
Foto: Youtube
Video of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama's (Ahok) speech in Seribu Island that went viral in social media.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Head of Forensic Computer Sub-Unit in the Center of Forensic Laboratory of the National Police, AKBP Muhammad Nuh al-Azhar,  was presented as an expert witness in the nineth session of blasphemy case with Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) as a defendant. He said the video of Ahok's speech during the visit in Seribu Island on September 27, 2016 could be verified. 

"There was no additional or disposal frame. It means what was been there was original," said Nuh when giving a testimony in the nineth session of the blasphemy case in the Auditorium of the Ministry of Agriculture in Jakarta on Tuesday. 

Nuh stated that the team in the center of forensic laboratory analized four videos. The first was the video from the services of communication and Information of Jakarta. The second was the video from the complainant witness, Habib Novel Chaidir Hasan, and the third was from another complainant witness Muhammad Burhanuddin. The fourth video was from the complainant witness Habib Muchsin Alatas. The result of the analysis of the video was mentioned in the report of investigation for the laboratory and the investigators.  

"It meant the analysis was not only proven scientifically, but also for law," said Nuh. 

Ahok was charged with Article 156a with a maximum of five years imprisonment and article 156 of the Criminal Code with maximum four years imprisonment.  


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