Selasa 21 Feb 2017 07:11 WIB

Bachtiar Nasir might be charged with two Articles: Police

Rep: Mabruroh, Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID,  JAKARTA -- The Criminal Investigation Division of National Police have named one suspect in the alleged transfer of wealth of the Yayasan Keadilan untuk Semua (Justice for All Foundation) money laundering. The suspect allegedly initials IA was an employee of BNI Syariah bank. The police said IA acted as the party who withdraw the funds from the account. 

Beside that, Boy explained the case was related to the alleged money laundering and operation of the foundation. "It related to the crime of banking, regarding to the precautionary principle in the field of banking," Head of Public Relations of the National Police Boy Rafli Amar said.

The investigators were trying to reveal the task of the YKUS in this case. "We did not try to block the ummah activities. In fact, we wanted to save their activities, including the foundation operationals so let's returned the case to the law," Boy said.

According to Boy, the police noticed there were indications that the foundation has been used for other interests which were not in line with the mission of the establisment of the foundation. So far, the police were still investigating the case and have not reached into any conclusion. "Therefore, our focus of investigation were only to oversee whether YKUS has run its operation in accordance with the law and whether there was any activity in the use of fund that lead to the violation of law," he said.

Meanwhile, Boy said Chairman of GNPF MUI Bachtiar Nasir could be charged with two Articles related to the foundations and money laundering. But then again, he reiterated the police were still investigating the allegations. "In the case of alleged money laundering, we have not named any suspect," he said.

Boy explained there was a probability that someone who has not been charged with principal crime be charged as suspect of money laundering. He said the perpetrator might be assumed has facilitate the distribution of money. 

Previously, the police said there was transfer of fund from the first account to the second account of the YKUS. It was said that there were two to four suspicious withdrawl. "We could not explain more detail, but the picture as it was," he said.


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