REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The members of Commission III of the House of Representatives (DPR) promised to deliver the aspirations of demonstrators of the 212 rally to the government. "The aspirations would be delivered to the government through the leader board of DPR, especially those which were related to the suspension of the Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok)," said the Head of Commission III Bambang Soesatyo in public hearing session with the representatives of the demonstrators in Jakarta on Tuesday (Feb 21).
Bambang said the commission accepted four requests from the demonstrators. Those were the request to suspend Ahok, to stop the criminalization of ulemas, to stop student activists detention, and to consistently conduct law enforcement. He said the request number two to four would be delivered to the Jakarta police commander on Wednesday (Feb 22).
The General Secretary of Muslims Forum (FUI) Muhammad al-Khaththath said in the public hearing that the masses wanted the Constitution to be applied. The Law of Regional Government stated that the regional head who became a defendant should be suspended.
Secondly, he also asked the Commission III to struggle for the ulemas so they did not being criminalized after the rally on December 2016 and January 2017. "Thirdly, there should be no students arrested. And fourth, the law enforcement should be conducted consistently," he said.
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