Sabtu 25 Feb 2017 03:56 WIB

West Sumatra Governor launches love to read campaign

Rep: Rep: Indra Wisnu Wardhana, RR Laeny Sulistyawati/ Red: Israr Itah
Minang Book Fair 2017
Foto: Republika/Subroto
Minang Book Fair 2017

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PADANG -- West Sumatra Governor Irwan Prayitno has launched the West Sumatra love to read campaign at the biggest book fair event in Padang, Minang Book Fair 2017.

The campaign was marked by the signing of the program by the Governor and followed by the regents and mayors of West Sumatra region.

Launching of West Sumatra reading was witnessed by deputy speaker of House of Representatives Fadli Zon, head of the National Library M Syarif Bando, and the National Reading Ambassador Najwa Shihab.

At this event, the Governor handed four books contain 8,500 quatrains, written since Irwan lead the West Sumatra, to the head of the National Library. In addition, Fadli Zon also handed over his workbook to the National Library.


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