Senin 27 Feb 2017 17:28 WIB

Indonesian Police Killed Suspected Bomber after Bandung Explosion

Rep: Sri Handayani/ Red: Teguh Firmansyah
Polisi berjaga-jaga di TKP Kantor Kelurahan Arjuna dalam peristiwa peledakan bom panci oleh teroris, di Taman Pandawa, Kota Bandung, Senin (27/2)
Foto: Republika/Edi Yusuf
Polisi berjaga-jaga di TKP Kantor Kelurahan Arjuna dalam peristiwa peledakan bom panci oleh teroris, di Taman Pandawa, Kota Bandung, Senin (27/2)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDUNG -- The suspected bomber at Pandawa Park in Bandung died on the way to Sartika Asih Police Hospital, spokesman of West Java  Provincial Police, Yusri Yunus said. "He was in a critical condition, then he died on the way to hospital."  

The man was shot about 11.00 am on the left side of his stomach.  According to West Java Provincial Police Chief Inspector General Anton Charliyan, the suspect had been shot by considering the safety of police officer and people.

Anton said the suspect were alleged to act alone. However the authorities still conducted an investigation to reveal the network behind. 

Anton added, the man had thrown a homemade bomb to police before he was shot. He also brought a weapon, while the type was still on investigation. The police finally decided to shot him in his stomach.  "This is a warning. Don't try to make chaos in West Java," he said.

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