Senin 13 Mar 2017 19:00 WIB

Police arrests syndicate of Cicendo bombers

Rep: Mabruroh, Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Saucepan bomb was detonated at Pandawa Park, Arjuna, Cicendo, Bandung, West Java on Monday (Feb 27).
Foto: Republika/Arie Lukihardianti
Saucepan bomb was detonated at Pandawa Park, Arjuna, Cicendo, Bandung, West Java on Monday (Feb 27).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Detachment 88 of the National Police arrested two people suspected as the syndicate of bombers in Pandawa Park, Cicendo, Bandung, West Java. They were Agus alias Abu Muslim and Soleh alias Gun Gun. “They have been arrested since last week,” said the spokesperson of National Police Inspector General Boy Rafli Amar in South Jakarta on Monday. 

Boy said Agus had an active role to buy the tools for making the low explosive bomb. He made the bomb in his rented house in Bandung. In daily life, he was a practitioner of electricity in a local office in Bandung. 

Soleh alias Gun Gun alias Zalzalat gave support to Yayat Achdiyat in the act of terror in Pandawa Park, Cicendo (Feb 27). He provided Rp 2 million to buy the tools for making the bomb. 

Before conducting the bombing, Yayat was known to hide his family away. He brought them to Sholeh’s house. Boy said the incident did not cause casualties. However, the police was suspicious that Yayat did not a single perpetrator. Police investigate how Yayat did the bombing by seeing the crime scene. They found pieces of low explosive bomb and investigate it to find the suspects. 

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