Kamis 16 Mar 2017 20:53 WIB

Indonesia owes to World Bank to develop 10 tourist destinations

Rep: Intan Pratiwi, Sri Handayani / Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Toba Lake in North Sumatera was one of three destinations focused by the government to be developed by using grant plus debt from World Bank.
Foto: DOK: Puskompublik Kemenpar
Toba Lake in North Sumatera was one of three destinations focused by the government to be developed by using grant plus debt from World Bank.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The government got 200 million US dollar of fresh funding from World Bank. The fund was allocated to speed up the development of 10 tourist destinations.

The Team Head of Accelerated Development of 10 Tourist Destinations Prioritized by Tourism Ministry Hiramsyah Sambudhy Thaib said the government focused on the renovation and infrastructure development of 10 tourist destinations. He said the integrated plan of 10 tourist destination had been finished. “Hopefully it can be opened on April or May to beauty contest, to consultant appointment,” he said in Jakarta on Thursday.

Hiramsyah said after the local consultants and the beauty contestants had been chosen, the project could be realized. He said the government would focus on preparing three destinations by this year, namely Toba Lake, Mandalika, and Borobudur Tourism Area.  “Support for infrastructure development funding in three areas. It was a grant from World Bank,” he said.

Hiramsyah said the investment chances in the three areas were not limited on the governmental project. He said the foreign involvement also be a target. However, local consultants were involved to keep the local wisdom in every area.   

After holding the beauty contest, Hiram said the government would make a master plan in every region and chose the winners. The process would be conducted within six months. “The debt in the mid of the year is different. Therefore I said there will be two paralel processed. The first is the master plan, the second is the debt. But the debt can be run as well,” he said.

Hiram said the debt signing would be conducted on June. It hoped to be taken on the next month.

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