Sabtu 25 Mar 2017 06:03 WIB

Indonesia ranked 113 on human development index: UNDP

Red: Reiny Dwinanda
 According to UNDP, in Indonesia, 140 million people earn less than Rp20 thousand per day, and 19.4 million others suffer from malnutrition.
Foto: Republika/Prayogi
According to UNDP, in Indonesia, 140 million people earn less than Rp20 thousand per day, and 19.4 million others suffer from malnutrition.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) said Indonesia has been ranked 113th among 188 countries on the Human Development Index (HDI), comprising per capita income, life expectancy, and education indicators.

"Ranked 113th among 188 countries, Indonesia is among the best performers with regards to HDI in the Asia Pacific," Country Director of UNDP Indonesia, Christophe Bahuet noted at a press conference here on Wednesday.

The increase in Indonesia's HDI, with 0.712 for men and 0.66 for women, is driven by some factors, such as a 135.4 percent rise in the per capita income, increase in life expectancy by five to eight years, and an average increase of up to 4.6 years in the period of education.

Actually, UNDP recognizes the increase as very significant. However, UNDP strongly believes that more progress can be made by reducing inequalities.