Rabu 29 Mar 2017 06:49 WIB

Police shoots two suspects of drug trafficking from Malaysia

Rep: Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Police seized evidence of drug trafficking network from Malaysia-Tamiang-Jakarta. (Illustration)
Foto: Republika/Raisan Al Farisi
Police seized evidence of drug trafficking network from Malaysia-Tamiang-Jakarta. (Illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Criminal Investigation Agency of National Police shot two suspects of drug trafficking network from Malaysia-Tamiang-Jakarta. They were Husni and Azhari or Ai.

The Director of Drug Unit in Criminal Investigation Agency Brigadier General Eko Daniyanto said the suspects wanted to escape, so the police shot them. It was happened when they were asked to show the place to hide the drugs and fire guns.  

"Azhari and Husni tried to resist, so our team member take a firm action and the suspect died,” said Eko in Cawang, East Jakarta on Monday (March 27).

The investigators also arrested three other suspects, namely Munizar, Agus Salim, and Nanang Taufik. All the suspects were arrested on (March 21).

The investigators also seized some evidence, among others 6.5 kilograms of crystal meth, 190 thousand pills of ecstasy, and two packs of happy five. Police also found two AK47, four motorcycles, a Harley Davidson, and some saving book.

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