Kamis 06 Apr 2017 08:19 WIB

Anyone who has intention to coup can be arrested: police

Rep: Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Spokesperson of Jakarta Metro Police Commissioner Raden Prabowo Argo Yuwono
Foto: Republika/Prayogi
Spokesperson of Jakarta Metro Police Commissioner Raden Prabowo Argo Yuwono

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Police said the Secretary General of Muslim Forum (FUI) Muhammad Al Khaththath and four other suspects were arrested on Friday (March 31) as they had an intention to overthrow the legitimate government. It included into coup plot, although it was a plan or intention. 

“This is a plan, there is intention on it. It was a coup agreement. It can be charged,” said the Spokesperson of Jakarta Metro Police Commissioner Raden Prabowo Argo Yuwono in Cengkareng, Banten on Wednesday (April 5). 

Argo said police did not need to wait until the plot was realized. It was not necessary to predict what kind of action would be made. “We do not need to imagine how it would end,” he said.

Also read: coup plot is silly: Observe" href="http://en.republika.co.id/berita/en/national-politics/17/04/05/onxono414-allegation-on-coup-plot-is-silly-observer" target="_blank">Allegation on coup plot is silly: Observe 

He explained the detail of Article 107 and 110 of the Criminal Case on the hostile of legitimate government. It included in the formal offense. It means that any plan or intention to it might be named into crime. 

Argo said Jakarta Metro Police was conducting an investigation based on the existing evidence of plot agreement. However, police had not hold suspects’ confirmation of any intention to hostile the government. In fact, police need their confirmation or confession to name it as intention. 

According to Argo, there were three main discussions showed an intention to replace the legitimate government. First was to hostile the Parliament building. The second was to prepare Rp 3 billion of funds. And third was to hold March 31 (313 rally) to heat up the plot. The plot planned to be held simultaneously in five big cities in Indonesia after the second round of Jakarta gubernatorial election.

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