Kamis 06 Apr 2017 08:49 WIB

Teacher intimidation allegedly leads to student’s suicide attempt

Rep: Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Students worked on exam in computer-based national test (UNBK). (Illustration)
Foto: Republika/Prayogi
Students worked on exam in computer-based national test (UNBK). (Illustration)

PADANG SIDIMPUAN – A school student in Padang Sidimpuan, North Sumatra, AN, had a suicide attempt after getting an intimidation by a teacher. She was allegedly being intimidated for protesting on leaked answer key of the computer-based national test (UNBK). 

They, IA and RA, were intimidated by a female teacher, E, who threatening her students to make a police report on them. “She said she was threatened to be charged with imprisonment and Rp750 million of fine,” said a student who also get an intimidation, IA, on Wednesday (April 5). 

IA said the incident started when they protested their school and teacher for leaking UNBK answer key. E allegedly showed the answer key to her child who was a student, Y. The protest was written in social media. 

Comments clash in social media and ended in a threat from the teacher. "There were also other teachers who objected (the protest), said E to imprison us,” said IA.

After the incident, AN drunk poisonous liquid behind a mosque near her house. A neighbor found her and took her to the nearest local hospital. 

IA said almost all the UNBK participants got the answer key. However, school authority said they did not know about the leaked answer key. 

The Principal of SMK Negeri 3 Padang Sidimpuan Darwisah Lubis said he did not know about the student who tried to suicide. “I don’t know about it. I know that my student is sick, but I don’t know the reason. I’m not informed. I visit her in the hospital, I motivate her. As a principal, I give donation,” said him. 

Now, AN was still in medical treatment of Padang Sidimpuan Regional Hospital. Her family would ask for Children Protection Agency to give legal assistance to her. There had no legal action from the local police institution related to this case. 

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