Jumat 21 Apr 2017 00:01 WIB

Steven is not arrested, Police: The incident happened abroad

Rep: Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
After scolding Tuan Guru Bajang with harsh and racial statement at Changi International Airport, Singapore, Steven Hadisuryo Sulistyo made a letter of apology and published it in national media for three consecutive days starting Thursday, April 9.
Foto: republika
After scolding Tuan Guru Bajang with harsh and racial statement at Changi International Airport, Singapore, Steven Hadisuryo Sulistyo made a letter of apology and published it in national media for three consecutive days starting Thursday, April 9.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MATARAM -- The police could not arrest Steven Hadisuryo Sulistyo, the man who scold Tuan Guru Bajang with harsh words. Spokesperson of Metro Jaya Police Senior Commissioner Argo Yuwono explained the place where the incident occured was abroad. "It happened in Singapore therefore we would like to see whether it could be processed here or there," he said at his office on Thursday (April 20).

Steven was being reported by Patriotic Advocate (ACTA) and  Nahdlatul Wathan DKI Jakarta to the police. On Tuesday (April 17), the police have registered the case with a letter number LP/1906/IV/2017/PMJ/ Ditreskrimum. 

The letter stated locus delicti was in Soekarno-Hatta International Airport. On the other hand, in his letter of apology, Steven admitted his behaviour and mentioned the incident happened at Changi International Airport, Singapore. He signed the letter on Sunday (April 9). 

Meanwhile, the Secretary General of Central Board of Nadhlatul Wathan (PBNW) Hasanain Juaini is impressed by the way Tuan Guru Bajang reaction when being scold by Steven in Changi International airport, Singapore. Hasanain became more amazed after knowing how rude the young man was. 

The West Nusa Tenggara governor Tuan Guru Haji Muhammad Zainul Majdi or widely known as Tuan Guru Bajang (TGB) told the chronology to Hasanain. The missunderstanding between Steven Hadisuryo Sulistyo and Tuan Guru Bajang started when queuing at Changi.  

Hasanain said Steven accuse TGB is cutting the line. He got angry and uttered rude words. "TGB tried to explain politely and advised Steven not to swear or utter racial statements," Hasanain said. 

TGB told Hasanain he decided to move to another check-in counter. He took a distance to make Steven free. "But Steven blow his anger and said rough words, although they have been separated quite far. Many people queued might hear it," said him. 

Hasanain said TGB told Steven not to call him 'indigenuous'. But, Steven seemed do not want to hear and he kept on insulting TGB. 

TGB then coordinated with Soekarno-Hatta International Airport Police to report Steven. He asked the police to be ready at the door of the plane. "After arriving in Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, Steven shows his arrogancy by pointing his finger to two police who have waited for him. He also tried to intimidate them by asking some personal questions," Hasanain remarked. 

TGB told Hasanain, the police explained to Steven that he has insulted a governor. "But, he kept on showing his arrogancy," he said. 

Hasanain said Steven finally sign an apology letter after being advised by a man claimed to be his uncle. The police asked him to sign it. "The apology did not come from himself," Hasanain said.

At the end, Steven apologized for his act and words to TGB and his wife. He made a statement to apologize and committed to publish it in three national media for three days in a row.  

In the morning, airport police told TGB that Steven had made his statement published. TGB had anticipated potential reaction from the society. 

In front of thousands of people in Islamic Center Hubbul Wathan, he said he forgive Steven. He hoped that the incident did not disrupt the stability of the society. 

"TGB insisted that he had no right to intervene somebody to seek their right on law," said him. 

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