Senin 01 May 2017 19:07 WIB

Indonesian labors hold May Day protest

Rep: Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
A number of labor organizations and unions conducted a long march at Jakarta's main street demanding better policies for Indonesian labors, Monday (May 1).
Foto: Republika/Prayogi
A number of labor organizations and unions conducted a long march at Jakarta's main street demanding better policies for Indonesian labors, Monday (May 1).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – A number of labor organizations and unions conducted a long march demanding better policies for Indonesian labors. They gathered in the National Monument (Monas) area today (May 1) since 08.00 a.m. 

Some organizations joined the long march, among others National Labor Union (SPN), Federation of Indonesian Metal Workers Union (FSPMI), Indonesian Labor Union Association (ASPEK), Indonesian Workers Union (SPSI), Teluk Jambe Farmers Union (STTB) Karawang and others. They gathered in groups with their attributes. 

A member of FSPMI, Nurul Hidayat, said they would conduct a long march along West Medan Merdeka Street to Nort Medan Merdeka Street. 

“We will continue to the front of Presidential Palace,” said him in Central Jakarta today (May 1). 

The Chairman of STTB, Maman Nuryawan, said the farmers would conduct a self-burial action to request the government to give the farmers’ right seized by PT Dewi Lestari back. 

A member of SPN, Andi Murdiansyah, said the union requested better monitoring on outsourcing program. “We hope the government keep monitoring the outsourcing regulation so we got better protection,” he said. 

Meanwhile, the President of Aspek, Mirah Sumirat, criticized Indonesian Bank (BI) program in making cashless society. “By the cashless society program, cash transaction would be dismissed. The policy potentially generated on tens of thousands of new unemployed, where there were many unemployed recently,” he said on the same day. 

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