Senin 01 May 2017 20:26 WIB

210 Indonesian fishermen are detained in Darwin

Rep: Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Indonesian fishermen (Illustration)
Foto: Yudhi Mahatma/Antara
Indonesian fishermen (Illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KUPANG – The Deputy Chairman of Committee III of the Regional Representatives Council Abraham Paul Liyanto asked the Indonesian government to intensively build communication and diplomation to release 210 Indonesian fishermen detained in Darwin, Brisbane, Australia. 

“Most of them came from Rote Islands which directly adjacent to Australia. They were arrested for allegedly violate the borders of water area and involved in illegal fishing," said Abraham on Sunday (April 30). 

He said Australian government were actively caught the Indonesian fishermen with various allegation. The last case involved eight fishermen. They were caught in Laut Timor and detained in Immigration jail. They were accused for doing illegal fishing. 

When having a recess and visits to his constituent, Abraham said he got many advices and complains from the people in Oelaba Village, Northwest Rote. They said many fishermen were detained in Darwin and they needed legal assistance from the government. 


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