Sabtu 06 May 2017 00:15 WIB

Govt must be firm in dealing with food mafia: Observer

Rep: Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Trade Minister Enggartiasto Lukita visits several mini markets to check the price of sugar, cooking oil and frozen meat, Jakarta, Wednesday (April 12).
Foto: Republika/Halimatus Sa'diyah
Trade Minister Enggartiasto Lukita visits several mini markets to check the price of sugar, cooking oil and frozen meat, Jakarta, Wednesday (April 12).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesian Government should be able to control the stocks and prices of basic needs, especially ahead to Ramadan and Eid, said an observer from Agricultural Institute of Bogor (IPB) Suwidi Tono. This was important to avoid any food mafia maneuver in raising the basic need prices. 

Suwidi said the government should keep the stable price of sugar, meat and oil since the implementation of highest retail price (HET). Therefore, the government should take firm action to the food mafia groups. It was important to avoid significant increase of food price before Ramadan and Eid.  

“When the government IS firm, the price will be stable, and there will no food mafia," said Suwidi to on Friday (May 5). 

Suwidi reminded that there were some efforts to combat food mafia, for example by strengthening the monitoring of basic needs circulation to Jakarta.  

"The next step was to take firm action, for example by closing cheating modern retail, revoking the trading permit and using multiple charges. If it can be implemented, they (food mafia) must be wary," said Suwidi.  

Previously, Trade Minister Enggartiasto Lukita had given firm action to speculation and food stockpilling. He would never gave a chance to the speculants to play the market. 

"There had been an agreement with food produsers that the Trade Ministry had an authority to fill in the food stocks when the prices starting to raise," said Enggar on Thursday (May 4).  

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