Jumat 09 Jun 2017 17:25 WIB

Observer worries Habib Rizieq case is a trade-off with Ahok

Rep: Noer Qomariah Kusumawardhani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Habib Rizieq Shihab
Foto: Antara/Reno Esnir
Habib Rizieq Shihab

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Legal observers from the Police Science College (PTIK), Umar Husein, worried the case that strangled Habib Rizieq Shihab were only a trade-off with Basuki Tjahaja Purnama imprisonment. He did not accuse that, but he got the impression from the limited information given to the society.

"I'm worried it was a case trade-off. It means if Ahok lost and jailed then Habib Rizieq' faction must also be hit," he said to Republika.co.id, Wednesday night.

Aside of the limited information shared, Umar said the suspicion arose because public trust to the police is declining. "Even if the police is doing a right thing, people might not believe in them. Not just for Habib Rizieq case, but also other cases," he remarked.

Also read: IT expert reveals the real issue on Rizieq-Firza case

Umar advised the police to work on their performance. If the police already obtained two evidences on Habib Rizieq case, Umar suggested to conduct case review. "The investigator knows best whether Habib Rizieq should be named as suspect is the investigator," he said.

On Wednesday, the investigator of Jakarta Metro Police held case expose of alleged steamy chat between Habib Rizieq and Firza Husein. The case expose was related to Firza as suspect. "The point is the investigator conveyed there was a crime and it has been investigated," Spokesperson of Jakarta Metro Police Argo Yuwono said.

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