Senin 19 Jun 2017 15:31 WIB

Yusril to mediate GNPF MUI and government

Rep: Santi Sopia, Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Expert on constitutional law Yusril Ihza Mahendra
Foto: Wihdan HIdayat/Republika
Expert on constitutional law Yusril Ihza Mahendra

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Expert on Constitutional Law Yusril Ihza Mahendra said to meet the offer by Habib Muhammad Rizieq Shihab to make a reconciliation forum between GNPF MUI and the government. It was stated in a talkshow on Habib Rizieq's case in Balairung Hotel, Matraman, Jakarta on Friday (June 16).

Yusril said to mediate the ulemas and activists with the government. He was ready to propose a reconciliation formula acceptable for both parties for the sake of national unity.

“You know, I'm neutral, Insya Allah my personal relation to the scholars/preachers and activists, and my relationship to the key people in government and in the legislative and judicature are very well,” said him in a press release on Sunday (June 18).

According to Yusril, reconciliation between GNPF MUI, HABIB Rizieq, and a number of scholars and activists subjected to conduct coup plot would be very important to strengthen national unity. Yusril believes all those people determined to promote Muslims and nation and state. Their disagreement to the government was common in a democratic life.

Also read: Decision is in govt hand, reconcile or revolution: Rizieq

In contrast, the government now was facing major challenges in continuing nation and state development. It required social and political stability, conducive security, and support from all the components of the nation.

“Government energy must focus in resolving the economic problems and development for the entire nation, so the other costs in the political sector should be reduced,” said him.

Yusril said he know Habib Rizieq and a number of scholars, preachers and activists who were currently facing legal issues. The cases were now in the investigation. He said the government must be wise and put forward dialogue and persuasive steps, instead of taking potential law enforcement measures to rip controversy over them.

For this reason, Yusril said the government needs a new approach that was more sympathetic by embracing the scholars and activists outside the government. Thus, there should be no tense atmosphere, especially arising from the government's assumption of “criminalization” against the clerics and activists.

"I believe that President Jokowi is unlikely to have any thoughts to criminalize the scholars and activists. So the misperception in law enforcement must be solved,” said Yusril.

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