Kamis 22 Jun 2017 16:03 WIB

Al Khaththath's detention is transferred to Jakarta Metro Police

Rep: Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Muhammad al Khaththath
Foto: Edwin Dwi Putranto/Republika
Muhammad al Khaththath

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The suspect of alleged coup plot agreement Muhammad Gatot Saptono was transferred from Mobile Brigade headquarter (Mako Brimob), Kelapa Dua, Depok to Jakarta Metro Police. His lawyer, Andi Hidayat confirmed the information.

“He had been detained in drugs prison two days ago at about 02.00 a.m.,” said him to Republika.co.id on Thursday (June 22).

Andi said he had not known the completeness of his client's file. He said to discuss it with Gatot's legal team to take next actions.

Director of Prison and Evidence Barnabas said a number of suspects of coup plot agreement was also transferred to the same place. “If I am not mistaken, four to five people,” he said.

Gatot who is also known as Muhammad al-Khaththath was arrested at Room 123 of Kempinski Hotel, HI roundabout, Jakarta. The Secretary General of Muslim Forum (FUI) was caught on Friday (March 31).

He would lead the Rally 313, but Special Crime Unit of Jakarta Metro Police had arrested him first. He was caught with Zainudin Arsyad, Irwansyah, Dikho Nugraha and Andry.

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