Selasa 04 Jul 2017 06:36 WIB

Bappenas study funding scheme to move country's capital city

The government is determined to move Indonesian capital out of Java.
The government is determined to move Indonesian capital out of Java.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) will coordinate with the private sector in funding for the plan to move country's capital city.

"In terms of funding of the plan, we will encourage the scheme of public private partnership. Hence, we involve private sectors in developing the plan to move the country's capital city," National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) head Bambang Brodjonegoro said here on Monday.

The Bappenas will finish a study to assess potential alternative cities that could become Indonesia's new capital.

"Hopefully, we can find the funding scheme. In the next two years, there will be an activity related to the transfer of the administrative center of the state capital," he stated.

He remarked that the government was determined to move Indonesian capital out of Java.

"It has to be outside Java. In the search of the country's new capital city, Bappenas is looking at the availability of land and natural resources around the potential cities.

However, he declined to detail the list of the alternatives besides Palangkaraya.

The government included Palangkaraya on the list because former president Soekarno had planned to move the capital city there.

President Joko Widodo came up with the plan to move the capital Jakarta to Palangkaraya when he visited the city, Presidential spokesman Johan Budi earlier said

"This plan came up when the president visited Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan, last year. It was put forward by the people there and they referred to a statement released by Bung Karno to make Palangkaraya the capital of the country," Johan revealed on Friday.

He explained that the proposal was also supported by the fact that Palangkaraya was situated on the equator line.

President has seriously considered this plan as he asked National Development Planning (PPN) Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro and the National Development Planning Board (Bappenas) to conduct a technical review.

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(QS. An-Nisa' ayat 136)

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