Selasa 04 Jul 2017 16:00 WIB

Kalla comments on lone wolf attack

Rep: Rizky Jaramaya, Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Vice President Jusuf Kalla
Foto: Antara
Vice President Jusuf Kalla

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Vice President Jusuf Kalla said the emerging lone wolf attack was an effect of technology. The lone wolf acted alone, not having relation to any terrorist network.

Kalla said a person could be radical as they only read the information found in internet without trying to have a comprehensive understanding. 

“The radicals are not only the brainwashers. Technology can make people to be radical,” said Kalla at his office on Tuesday (July 4).

The government had assigned the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology to delete or to block any sites with radical or endangering content. Police also kept on speeding up the way it combated terrorism. 

“We do not neglect that we are also the victims of terrorism. We don’t say we are clean. But in the other side, police act quickly. If the police do not act, there will be more (terror),” he said. 

Previously, Coordinating Minister of Politics, Law and Security Wiranto said  lone wolf terror was necessary to be anticipated by all related parties. The former military commander said, it might be conducted by finishing the amendment of Law No. 15 in 2003 on Terrorism Combat. 

Police assumed that the stabber of two mobile brigades personnels in Falatehan Mosque, South Jakarta, was an ISIS sympathizer. However, he was a lone wolf terrorist who acted alone outside the terrorist network.

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