Rabu 05 Jul 2017 00:16 WIB

President yet to reveal capital city relocation plans

Palangkaraya city in Central Kalimantan. (illustration)
Foto: Republika/Harun Husein
Palangkaraya city in Central Kalimantan. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- President Joko Widodo is yet to reveal the government's plans to move the country's capital city from Jakarta.

"I will explain it when the time comes," he stated, when asked about the plans to relocate the capital city, in Jakarta on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, Minister of Land and Spatial Planning Sofyan Djalil stated that the plan to move the capital city was still in its initial review process.

"We are still studying and looking at the alternatives to identify a city that is deemed fit," he noted in the Presidential Palace grounds in Jakarta.

One of the alternative city that was discussed include Central Kalimantan's capital city Palangkaraya.

Also read: Bappenas study funding scheme to move country's capital city

"We are looking for alternatives, besides Palangkaraya, to identify the most suitable one. This is an administrative matter, and it is the president who makes the decision. It is also a long-term process. Therefore, we are looking for the best place," he added.

However, he did not elaborate on the cities that have been included in the government's plan to be the alternative locations for Jakarta.

It was previously reported that Bambang Brodjonegoro, Minister of National Development Planning, who is also the Head of the National Development Planning Agency, remarked that that he had discussed the detailed plans of the capital city relocation, which include the funding scheme that is targeted to be completed by the end of the year.

That way, by 2018 or 2019, the center for government administrations can start to relocate.

The aspects that are being reviewed include location appointment, funding estimation, and urban planning.

The plan to relocate the capital city was brought up after it was evident that the development in the island of Java was higher compared to other islands in Indonesia.

According to a study that was conducted, the relocation of the capital city to another island will include government administrations and development, while Jakarta will remain the center for business and finances.

sumber : Antara
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(QS. An-Nisa' ayat 136)

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